Thursday, December 24, 2015

BAHAR // 12.24.2015

Bahar is one of my chorus friends, and we never fail to have lovely conversations about things like religion and religious practices to things like YouTubers to things like if we want to pursue music as a career. She was the fourth person I did a shoot with. 
  1) Do you find yourself beautiful? Why?
  2) Do other people find you beautiful? 
  3) What is one thing you are confident about yourself (what is your security)?
  4) What is your biggest insecurity?
"I think all humans are beautiful… but no, because of society, i feel like they set standards that just make it, i don’t know what the word is, but unachievable for an average person to reach."

"Friends? Yes. Because they obviously are supportive, and stuff like that, especially my close friends from back home. They definitely, like, I don’t wear make up at all, so they say I’m beautiful. Boys? No. And society? No. And that’s pretty much all the people. "

"My skin, because it’s really clear. And that’s it."
"Body hair, like I don’t understand. Why are guys allowed to have arm hair, and body hair? (Do you shave your legs?) No, not in the winter. But in the summer. I dunno I like the feeling of shaved legs… And the fact that I have no chest, that too. "

Bahar's signature pose felt like it deserves a spot on her post. So here. Her signature pose as photographed in Epcot. 

Mostly shot on Christmas Eve featuring Bahar's wonderful gingerbread and also her bushes and bench, which obviously stole the show. 

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